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Take a Social Media Break - For Your Sanity!

Writer's picture: Mike Howard Mike Howard

Hello to all of you who subscribe to this blog. I have been away from this blog for awhile due to personal reasons. But am back and looking forward to engaging you on topics of concern to all of us. 

Today's topic - taking a social media break. And yes, sports fans, that includes the news. Most, if not all of you are in business. Some of you, like me, are in the security business. And, it is our business to keep abreast of what is going on in this crazy world of ours. No business person worth his/her salt keeps their heads buried in the sand while the world's events swirl around them.

When I was doing some recruiting at the CIA for new officers, one of the things we looked for in candidates was their knowledge of, and interest in, current events, especially what was happening internationally. At Microsoft, my team and I were responsible for the security and protection of the people and assets of one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world. It was our duty, no, our obligation, to make sure we knew what was happening in the world that could threaten the company. We, like many of our peer organizations, even had dedicated intelligence teams to conduct analysis of the myriad of issues that could threaten the company. 

So yes, I am all for being an informed citizen and business person. But let's get real here. We can become addicted to social media and the news. Our heads are already buried in our phones constantly. Look at any airport or public place. What are most people doing? Looking at their phones. They might be texting or doing some FB post, but many are checking out social media and news. The onslaught of both is overwhelming. You can consume social media 24/7 if you want to. Heck, I am just as guilty of this as the next person. I check the news regularly. Check out YouTube for current events as well as fun stuff. I post on FB, IG, LinkedIn and check out podcasts that I hope will add to my knowledge base. But if you don't watch it, all of this "stuff" can mess with your minds and spirits. 

A lot of social media or news, isn't designed to raise your spirits. You hear about the bad stuff. Shootings, crime, war, divisive politics, economic upheaval, inflation, climate change, natural disasters, the border crisis, Ukraine/Russia, Israel/Hamas. The list goes on and on. Then, on top of that, you have your regular social media postings which adds to the cacophony of digital and sensory inputs attacking your brain and heart. 

Look, there is nothing wrong posting about an event you went to, or a trip you have taken. No worries. I do it all the time and those of you who are FB friends of mine can attest to that :)

But too much social media and too much news is NOT good for you. You end up not being able to tell the forest from the trees. You are not "present" and "mindful" of what is around you. Your family, your friends, the beauty of nature, your life. You are too busy constantly keeping track of everything going on in the world. Why do you think so many people in this world are anxious. 

According to the American Psychiatric Association's 2024 annual mental health poll, fully 43% of adults Americans feel more anxious this year than they did the previous year! This was up from the previous two years. And what makes these adults anxious? They listed the following:

  • Current events

  • The economy

  • Gun Violence

  • US Presidential elections

And how do they get information on all of these issues? Social media and the news. So there is a direct correlation to the amount of news and social media you absorb, and your state of anxiety.

So what is the solution? Simple. Take a social media break. T

Take a 24 hour period in the week, and don't look at any social media or news. I do this on a regular basis. The day of the week you choose is up to you. I find Fridays to Saturdays best for me. I turn off all notifications from news feeds and social media accounts on my phone. In fact, I have engaged in challenges where I put my phone away for a 24 hour period. Problem solved. I also don't look at any news on TV during that period. The result?

It is thoroughly refreshing. My mind is clear of world events or problems in the country. I am blissfully ignorant, for a specific period of time, of any trauma going on around me. I can concentrate on my family, friends, pets, or just have time to self reflect on me. My blood pressure and anxiety levels go down and I am happier. I am more present and there for my family. I come out of these 24 hour periods of no social media physically and mentally refreshed. 

So do the world's problems go away in that 24 four hour social media blackout? No, of course not. Hell, they probably got worse! But for that designated period of time, YOU are controlling what you are seeing and hearing. That is a powerful thing

Try it sometime. Forget the chatter in the news and talking heads. Forget Biden and Trump. Forget about the Middle East or Ukraine. Forget them all for a short period of time. I know you will benefit from doing this in many ways. Put that phone away if you really want to see how well you can manage without looking at the illuminated screen every minute of the day. 

The world's madness can wreak havoc on you.

Don't let it. Control how much content you take in. Be informed, but don't be absorbed with social media and the news. You may feel pangs of "withdrawal" but once you tame that tiger, you will never look at social media and the news again. Because it no longer has a hold on you. 

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Please check out my podcast on YouTube and if you like what you see, hit the like button and also subscribe!

Till next time. 



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